Welcome to CMSA Long Island!

Welcome to Our New Members: Marie J.; Christina C.; Melissa C.; Anna T; Janet A; Jodi Z; Edleen E; Laura L; Eliso P. We hope to see you soon!

Check Out Current Events   |   Register! June 12 Event - The Bristal at Bethpage

A Message from Your President - Shelly Samuels

Congratulations CMSA Long Island!
Along with the CMSA Coalition Partners
Long Island, NYC, Hudson Valley, Delaware,
Central New Jersey, Capital Region, and
Mid-Atlantic, New England

Together we kept the conversation
going to all our fellow CMSA members!

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Standards of Practice
for Case Management
Revised 2022
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CMSALI Quick Posts


New Board of Directors 2023
President: Shelly Samuels

Past President: Donna Raye-Sullivan, BSN, RN, MBA-HCM, CCM, CMCN
Secretary: Josh Herzig
Treasurer: Elaine Halloran, RN, BSN, MS, CCM
Director: Karen Zinna, RN
Director: Jennifer Devine, LMSW
Director: Andrea Cowles, RN, BSN, MA, CCM
Director: Darla Gentile
Director: Melinda Walsh
Director: Melissa Montgomery
Director: Annette Toledo

Welcome to Case Management Society of America

Long Island Chapter | President - Shelly Samuels | 2024-2026


We are a multidisciplinary network of healthcare professionals who work in the specialized practice of case management. As the official chapter for Long Island, New York, our members perform case management for a diverse spectrum of employers such as hospitals, insurance companies, skilled nursing facilities, home health care providers, allied healthcare professionals, licensed social workers, vendors, workman’s comp, and as independent practitioners.

Through chapter meetings and events that provide outstanding continuing education and professional networking, the CMSA Long Island, New York Chapter promotes as a chapter we are in our 23rd year of providing strategies and tools for case managers and social workers to remain experts in their profession:

Our Mission:
The Case Management Society of America is the leading membership association providing professional collaboration across the healthcare continuum to advocate for patients’ wellbeing and improved health outcomes by fostering case management growth and development, impacting health care policy, and providing evidence-based tools and resources.

Care managers are advocates who help patients understand their current health status, what they can do about it and why those treatments are important. In this way, care managers are catalysts by guiding patients and providing cohesion to other professionals in the health care delivery team, enabling their clients to achieve goals more effectively and efficiently.


The CMSA Strategic Vision:
"Case managers are recognized experts and vital participants in the care coordination team who empower people to understand and access quality, efficient health care."

The CMSA Strategic Mission:
The Case Management Society of America is the leading membership association providing professional collaboration across the health care continuum to advocate for patients’ wellbeing and improved health outcomes through:

  • Fostering Case Management growth and development
  • Impacting health care policy and
  • Providing evidence-based tools and resources

Our chapter is always welcoming new members, please contact by e-mailing us at: info@cmsali.org. Non-members are welcome to attend our programs and earn CEUs for a nominal fee. Thank you for all of your support


Together Sponsors and CMSALI bring a unique resource of information, services, and products in one easy location for case managers!

Ready to Join CMSA?

Explore which CMSA Membership works best for you!

Individual A Member

Case Manager Membership: Individuals engaged in the field of case management. To qualify you must have a health professional degree, current license or national certification in the health or human services profession.More Info...

Individual B Member

Associate Membership: Individuals actively providing case management related services. Individuals who do not qualify for the Individual A membership (i.e. do not have a professional degree, current license or national certification in the health or human services profession) can join under this membership category.More Info...


To qualify one must be enrolled in a program of case management or related service field that leads to a B.A., licensure, national certification, or graduate degree.More Info...


Active, retired, DOD or contracted Case Managers in the field of case management within any section of the US Military.More Info...


Must have been a member of CMSA for at least 3 years consecutively, minimum of (65) years of age/permanently retired. More Info...

CMSA Membership Information


We offer CCM Prep Courses, along with customized private certification prep courses, ethics programs, and case management training for organizations.


CMSA Long Island is your gateway to learning and networking. Members of CMSA Long Island have access to a wealth of information through resources, education, and other health care professionals. Discover the value of CMSALI by joining today!

Membership Application | Company Application | Retireee Application
Apply On the CMSA Website: Click for Membership Application Here